#rip #thedoors
Ray Manzarek, keyboardist for The Doors, has died at the age of 74 in Rosenheim, Germany.
#rip #thedoors
Ray Manzarek, keyboardist for The Doors, has died at the age of 74 in Rosenheim, Germany.
Video-Beschreibung von London Real – 28.02.2013
Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris of Imperial College London talks about the effects of Psilocybin & MDMA and how they could be used to help with depression and addiction, his controversial colleague Professor David Nutt who claimed Cannabis & Ecstasy were safer & less addictive than Alcohol & Tobacco, and why he refrains from sampling psychedelics in order to remain objective about his research.
Video-Beschreibung von NeuroSoup – 04.05.2013
Visionary Art – Symbolism that Communicates the Sacred by http://www.neurosoup.com
Visionary art is a based upon the spiritual and mystic visions that often manifest during the psychedelic experience and other transformative practices such as meditation and prayer.
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