Gentleman – Diversity-Tour, Kiel, 28. Mai 2010 (Halle400)

Gentleman – Diversity-Tour, Kiel, Germany, 28. Mai 2010 (Halle400)
#gentleman #reggae #dancehall #music #jamaica #hiphop #concertpics #konzertfotos #kiel #konzertfotos #livemusic #konzert #concertphotography

The Klirrfaktor: Keep Shopping (Modular System & Qneo Voice Synth)

#krautstep #modular #system #music #synthesizer #synth
Video-Beschreibung von TheKlirrfaktor – 12.09.2012

Voice: Blue Baby Bottle thru Qneo Voice Synth
Drums: MFB Schlagzwerg sequenced with Elektron Octatrack thru Metal Muff
Lead: WMD Synchrodyne
Pads: Doepfer Dark Energy, Bubblesound uLFO
Noise/Percussion: Trogotronic Model 676, Pittsburgh Generator, 4ms Noise Swash, WMD Gamma Wave Source, Sound Of Shadows
Bass 1: Bubblesound VCOb + MakeNoise Wiard Borg Filter
Bass 2: Doepfer A-196 PLL + Metasonix R-52

The Klirrfaktor: Nicht Ich (Modular System & Qneo Voice Synth)

Video-Beschreibung von TheKlirrfaktor – 29.08.2012

All sounds from my modular system.
Voice: Qneo Voice Synth played with microKorg (not to be seen)
Drums: MFB Schlagzwerg thru Metal Muff sequenced with Elektron Octatrack (not to be seen)
I hope you enjoy this chaotic track (maybe i lost control cause of to much sounds)