HanSolo kommentiert auf englisch für #globalrevolution
#gruene #Park #SG #occupy #s21 #trees #bäume #stuttgart
The sound of destruction
HanSolo kommentiert auf englisch für #globalrevolution
#gruene #Park #SG #occupy #s21 #trees #bäume #stuttgart
The sound of destruction
Video-Beschreibung von newsxlive – 01.10.2011
India’s best known feminist painter, Gogi Saroj Pal, reveals women’s ’secrets‘ and aspirations through her art. Gogi is also an artist, whose known to speak her mind! She’s on the show Art Talk with Jujhar Singh (NewsX channel).
Video-Beschreibung von newsxlive – 25.06.2011
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks about the link between the arts and spirituality. How the goal of music is Silence! He describes the effect of music on the body’s chakras, on unborn babies and on plants and animals. Also, he explains how the ’sound‘ of the universe is AUM (OM) and on the Art of Living’s emphasis on music and dance. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is speaking to Jujhar Singh on NewsX’s show Art Talk.
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